Susan (Sue) King

166 Dangar Street
Armidale NSW 2350
0401 619 941

I am a wildlife biologist and I have expanded my skills into the world of geospatial information science (GIS). My goal is to apply my skills from both of these fields towards the conservation of wildlife and protection of habitat. Broadly, my research interests include citizen science, urban ecology, wetland ecology, island biogeography, and conservation biology. I am interested in understanding the impact of change in land-use, urbanization, and loss or alteration of wetlands in order to conserve species and their ecosystems. Geospatial analytics is crucial to all these areas of research. I am currently working on an analysis of the features of Bald Eagles’ nesting habitat and recording observations of the behavior of nesting raptors.

Sue holding Barn Owl in Lamington National Park, Queensland.

After my first semester in the Master of Geospatial Information Science and Technology (MGIST) program, I had an internship with Clean Jordan Lake. I analyzed the spatial distribution of the trash and tires they removed from the shoreline of the lake. I continued this collaboration as my Capstone project, and you can find details about this on my Capstone Experience page.

My graduate work in Biology focused on amphibians. For my thesis research I learned how the characteristics of natural and created ridge-top wetlands differed in terms of habitat for Four-toed Salamanders to use for nesting. Next, I worked on a project to analyze genetic samples I collected from amphibians in urban and rural wetlands.

As an undergraduate in the Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology program at North Carolina State University (NCSU) I had the opportunity to Study Abroad in Namibia, finally realizing my lifelong dream to visit Africa and see its wildlife. Since then, I have visited my other dream destination – Australia. After graduating from the MGIST program at NCSU, I moved to Australia and am seeking relevant work.

Sue visiting a geographical landmark in Namibia.

Resume and C.V.